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Current Clients (as at Jan 2020)

  • Practice Manager for two clinics owned by Dr Stephen Humble, Consultant in Spinal Medicine; and 

  • Transcription of medicolegal transcription (pain medicine consultant).

  • Management cover for Cygnini Clinic in Cheltenham (medical aesthetics)

Previous Clients/Projects

  • Business Manager running a non-surgical aesthetics clinic and developing services provided – understanding the market and what clients want.  Overhaul of clinic from the outset including health and safety, contracts, facilities, processes, services, recruitment and team coordination etc.

  • Practice formulation (dual pain and aesthetics clinic in London) – creation of the clinic infrastructure from inception – including financials, IT (telecoms and database), coordination of web development and outsourced services.  Ongoing clinic management and business development.

  • Provision of enquiry service (phone and email) for a new clinic for an established cosmetic surgeon.  

  • Remote practice/project management services on a retainer basis – 10 hours per month on projects/priorities including marketing campaigns, recruitment and business process improvement.

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